Saturday, 9 January 2010

Posting for Pain and Profit

Or, "Things never change", or "Speak not, lest you have something to say".
Or, "Lookit those totems go".

Actually, I was saving that first title for something more painful, but this will have to suffice for now - first PuG death came at the second instance, BFD being the main course for the evening, and I finally screwed up.

Now don't get your panties in a horsey bunch or something; it was a well-intended screwup! I had a fairly nondescript, regular BFD with a druid tank who had a very hands-off approach to tanking (literally, I believe he did not have his hands on the keyboard at all) and some dps who were too good at what they were doing.
The result was smooth sailing, until the druid tank dinged and promptly, immediatly left.

This'd be a blow if, you know, he was actually tanking. He was more of a moderate-aggro dps. Think bad ret pala with RF on.

In line with title suggestion #2, we were immediatly treated to a second druid, who did a very good job; yet again, progress, until the room where Twilight Lord Kelris lurks. If you are familiar with the room*, you will probably, hopefully anyways, assume that we did funky pulls and wiped. We didn't. We did sensible (double) pulls, the boss went down like a sack of food based on unleavened dough.

Um. And yes, we clicked all the four braziers at once.
Wait! I'm confident we could have handled that despite those severely overpowered elementals. I know this because we pulled everything at once after that excruciatingly slow resrun, and proceeded to kill them all.

God I love wind shear.

The astute reader may also have observed my love for linking to wowhead stuff.

Still here?
Not deterred or distracted enough to forget that I wiped us?


These here pants dropped from the boss, twelve seconds prior. As the warlock had kindly let me grab the cloth belt from the previous boss, I was very cautious to ask if he needed that, but I pounced when I saw him greeding. It went something like this.

Toes: You don't want those either? Mind if I nab them?
Warlock: Just take them.

Spirit schmirit, I had pants with enhancement stats on them, go Toes, go need!

Warlock: Spirit isn't good for lock.
[Warlock casts lifetap.]

At this point, we have multiple problems. The first one is that he's wrong; sure, Fel Armor isn't exactly right around the corner for a L22 warlock, but spirit tap has a 400% spirit coefficient, and if he thinks I am a bigger fan of spirit at this point than him, then clearly I have to let him know. I'm not such an ass as to simply take it and chalk it up to his loss.

You may have notice I said multiple problems, and that this is hardly a problem.

Well, first problem is that people generally don't like being told how to play. Being told how to gear is remarkably similar, even if it's the reverse of people claiming gear they don't want.

Me: Actually, I don't like spirit that much either, but it has good int and sp, if you want them I can trade them over np!

The second problem is a result of these being very many letters, and a little thoughtwork. I'm a rather fast typer, but you know what's faster than this process?


This is not a literal transcription anymore, by the way.

The answer is; Clicking four braziers and running to the other side of the statue.

Now, noone complained too loudly except at the length of the resrun from southern Darkshore, I said out straight that I was sorry about it all, mentioning LoS to soften the extremely hard edge of blame on myself. Shameless, I know.

Last boss was a laugh, I have a new belt and pants. Sidenote, which almost deserves its own post; Call of Water is a long ass quest. First time it was exciting, but now, less so. Considering glyphing healing stream totem though. Tomorrow I shall look into it. Two dungeons completed, one wipe!

*And have become so without an overleveled char nearby.

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